The first track off the EP – Wild Things – Lizzie Sawyer
The inspiration for this track came from Mumford & Sons album ‘Sigh No More’ and the way that sounded. It starts off with just guitars and vocals then during the second verse creates a build up with that bass drum beat which is often featured in Mumford tracks. This bass drum along with a bassline in the background creates a build-up for the track. It mellows out during the break which adds suspense before coming back in with the bass, drums, and an added string section before once again mellowing out a the end. The idea of this track was to create suspense throughout it.
Key Editing
In this track, there was something in particular which needed changing on the vocal track. In the studio we thought the vocal tracks were fine until there was a note slightly flat which was noticeable, therefore, the use of subtle pitch correction was required. The video below shows this effect.
Although we tried to make this as live as possible, the use of pitch correction was used to save time going back into the studio to re-record this one small part.