Miles – Lizzie Sawyer

The second track ‘Miles’ was the first track which we decided would be best suited for a string section. It has a quite sombre mood to it and it is soft and quiet dynamically. This sombre mood made it very important to make sure the emotion coming from the vocal stood out in the mix. The use of reverb and compression helped this massively!

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String sections were added, similarly to where this song took inspiration from, ‘Crash Land’ by Twin Atlantic.


Key Editing

After recording was Lizzie mentioned about harmonies which we never recorded. She asked me if there was any way to include harmonies without going back in the studio which I could potentially add in post-production.

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I copied her original vocal line where she wanted the harmony to be and added it to a new audio track. I changed the EQ slightly and added a pitch shifter 3 semi-tones higher to create a new harmony line which seemed to work quite well!

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